Each proton/anti-proton annhiliation reaction generates 1,862 Million Electron Volts (MeV) of energy. The anti-protons are directed downward from the wedge and annihilate when they come in contact with protons and produce energy. Element 116 is unstable and gives up anti-protons. When Element 115 is bombarded with protons, it becomes Element 116. The protons are directed into the fuel housing through the guide tube shown on the left side of the reactor housing seen in the Figure 4 photo.

A detailed physical description of the Matter Anti-Matter Reactor operation is provided in Jon Farhat’s Website (this Website is a pay site). The square shaped housing below was a type of particle cyclotron accelerator that provides the protons for reacting with Element 115. According to Bob Lazar, the reactor provides energy to the ship and to the gravity amplifiers by a matter anti-matter reaction. At this point, the reactor is still shut down.Ī cylindrical cap is installed onto the top of the conical shaped housing, analogous to installing a bottle cap onto a bottle as indicated by the Figure 4 photograph, above. The fuel element is installed into the conical housing of the reactor with the conical pointed top of the isosceles triangle oriented downward into the conical housing as demonstrated in the Figure 3 photograph, above. The detailed machining process to produce the Element 115 fuel wedge is provided on the “ Element 115” Web Page and on Jon Farhat’s Website. The conical shape is sliced vertically at the center of the cone to form the wedged Element 115 fuel element that is installed into the Matter Anti-Matter Reactor. That cylinder is cut into a conical shape. They are fused together in a manner to create a vertical cylinder. Several pellets are stacked one on top of the other in like manner to stacking the 50 cent pieces in a column just prior to wrapping them in paper. Recall that in the “ Government Scientist Goes Public” article, it was mentioned that the fuel pellets were about the size of a 50 cent piece and weighed about 223 grams. The Element 115 fuel is machined into a long isosceles triangle shaped wedge with a conical point at the angle adjacent to the two equal length sides of the wedge for use as fuel in the reactor. The Figure 1 and Figure 2 photographs, above, show the model of the Matter Anti-Matter Reactor opened up with the Element 115 fuel sitting on top of the conical shaped fuel housing. Photos of the model of the reactor are provided below. It appeared that this design was a standard design for all craft utilizing gravity amplification for propulsion. He stated that the same reactor design was installed in each of the nine discs that were located at S4 at the time of his employment there. Bob showed me a scale model of the Matter Anti-Matter Reactor aboard the “Sport Model” Flying Disc. I had the opportunity to talk to with Bob Lazar during the Memorial Day Weekend, 2000. DESIGN AND OPERATION OF THE SPORT MODEL FLYING DISC ANTI-MATTER REACTOR